Promote your business with article marketing is a well known way for internet marketers. But what if I told you how to multiply their campaign with the same number of articles? It is important not only for writing articles, it is also useful to combine them with blogs to make them more effective in generating traffic to your website. Briefly, the method is - Create a new blog in a niche area, write articles and post them on the blog and rewrite them and post to article directories. Allow me to explain the significance of each step in more detail. in a niche market: the blog is a powerful tool for generating traffic and building a list for your business. Setting up a blog focusing on a niche area. Choose a niche based on what your target market is looking for. To do this you will need to conduct some keyword research using tools such as Google Keyword Tool and Micro Niche Finder. Your goal must be to create a blog to address the specific needs of target audiences. Whether you are selling your own products or affiliate products, which have a blog is the first step. It does not help direct the reader to an affiliate site directly without having to first visit the blog and landing page.
2 Write articles for the blog: The biggest factor in getting traffic to your blog is its content. If you write quality content that is both original and useful, then you will get more visitors coming to your blog. Writing an article is not enough, you must continue to write regularly. 2-3 entries per week should be good enough. You must also use the feed to let search engines know that you add a new posting on the blog.
3 Send rewritten the same article to article directories: Always write the original full length articles for your blog. In this way you will have more control on how you want to add or update content. But you have to put up a teaser article in the ezine directories. It's like putting up a demo products in supermarkets that drives traffic to your store. For the article directories, you have to use some parts of the original content that is most interesting reader. Then direct the reader to the original article or the entire article through the link in your resource box
if you follow these techniques, you will improve the efficiency of your article marketing campaign drastically compared to when directing traffic from the articles on your product pages.
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